Improve your smile and confidence
with Invisalign!


How does it work?

Dr Moon digitally plans out your teeth movement to improve your smile and develops a treatment plan with Invisalign who fabricates a series of aligners. You will wear each set of aligners for 7-14 days each according to your treatment plan before you move to the next aligner. Every 2-3 months you will return to see Dr Moon who will monitor your progress and give you additional trays as the teeth align.

How long do I have to wear the aligners each day?

The invisalign aligners need to be worn at least 20-22 hrs a day. That’s enough break time to eat 3 meals and brush your teeth.

How do I know if I am a candidate for Invisalign?

Come meet Dr Moon for a free Invisalign consult. Over the past 10 years we have seen some incredible advances in the technology that let us treat many of the cases that previously could only be done with braces. You’ll get to discuss pros and cons, your goals for your smile and decide what fits best for you and your lifestyle.